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Thursday, November 4, 2010


Many of us keeps on thinking that the products may be of any kind and all sorts of people may make use of it easily but its not that easy to take a good care the consumers.The Consumers are the dwellers of the city, town and no one can afford of loosing a human power of a country. This is why there are Laws and Acts for consumer care.As the consumers consumes the products their health must be secured in a such way that the product should not be the reason for decreasing quality life of the consumer.We all might even think why the security is needed because we have a question that why or who would be benifited for illicit trade in consumer products.Well actually there are, some people may find this as the best way to make easy money as they can promise for the security in consumer health but using poor quality goods which will eventually make the lifes of the consumers bad to worse. Similarly if these using of poor and bad quality material in consumer products goes running unchecked this might lead to the poor health for upcoming generations.These practices are ultimately going to hamper the human power of any country which will being bad results for the development of the country.Like this way Consumer health is very vulnerable aspect of a country.