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Thursday, May 20, 2010


A brief description regarding the consumer protection are presented below:

  • The law of control of essentisl goods, 2017 B.S;
    - The provisions were made to select the essential goods for one's daily life. It also explained the price,distribution system and punishment for those who deliberately make artificial scarcity.
  • Food Act, 2023 B.S ;
    - This act explained about the quality foods and medicines and their distribution system.
  • Drug Act;
    -This act explains the manufacturing and distributing drugs in society. If a definite law regarding the drugs is not made ,the manufacturers attitudes towards drugs may lead them to corruption.


Use of goods and services -
We must be careful while using the products from markets. We must be sure about the batch no, manufacturing date ,quantity of foods , price, expiry date while purchasing goods as far as possible.

Storage is used to keep foods for future use. If the food is not stored properly it may get degraded in its quality. They may rot or spoil .so we must take its good care for our good health.

Selection of foods-
we must make a good choice while choosing our food . Our health is in our hands.
We must make our food germ free before consuming it. Junk foods must be used in very little frequency.


Quality foods are those , which have their nutritive values and are free of adulteration.Nepal standard checks If it finds dilution or any fraud in foods it cancels its supply the food to make it sure of quality.

Some of fraud activities in food

- Food adulteration;
- Foods with low nutritive value;
- Attractive and colored foods;

All these are some of the ways of attracting consumer which hampers the consumers health.


  1. Consumers health education helps us to choose consumers' goods and services inb the proper way;
  2. It protects the public against the risk of injury associated with consumer products ;
3. It helps to make the consumer aware about the ir rights and responsibilities such as :

-The right to basic needs;
-The right to safety ;
- The right to choose goods and services;
- The right to redress;
- The right to consumer education;

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Consumer Health

Consumer is a person who uses goods and services from producers. it means each individual is consumer in some respect. As we see there is a tendency of men to make a fast buck by trick or fraud , Short weight and the dilution of milk with water are our ancient practices. These practices effect the consumers health directly or in directly.Therefore consumer's health came into existence.